Episode 284: ¿Dónde está Leo's Grave?
"I love this! I love this!"
There are services that already exist that nuke all your online data after your demise. It just seems like such a waste. We pour so much of our personality into our updates and so much of them get forgotten over time... We all make jokes about haunting our friends if we meet an untimely demise, but now you can actually do it.
Afterlyfe has been talked about on some big-name podcasts like This Week in Tech, Weird Things, TechStuff, and Stuff To Blow Your Mind. Here's a few of our mentions...
"I love this! I love this!"
"It's an interesting first real stab at cyberimmortality."
"I think Afterlyfe.me is a very, very, very intriguing, interesting, thought-provoking art project."
"Personally, I love it. I mean, I just love the idea of someone reading a tweet and saying, 'Jonathan's been dead for 20 years and he's still slamming the iPad.'"